Friday, June 29, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

On Hold.

Its is  wicked how I think of you at weird moments.
While tying the shoe laces.
While filling the water cooler.
While flipping channels.

No matter how much I deny myself a right to relive the memories..I still find myself thinking about you - almost like a lightening bolt - all of a sudden , fierce and scary - a pang so powerful it drains me out.

You take away the smile from me.

It is raining. I hate to think of you when I watch the sky drizzling.

It reminds me of a time dimension when nothing had happened.

When I would crave for you just as much as I did yesterday or maybe even today.

You fill me up with a heavy heart.

A burden so strong...the rain from my eyes begin to pour down.

Tell me why you're gone.

Tell me why haven't you withdrawn.